MzBot 2.0 Beta 2

I was very busy over the past few weeks, so I didn’t really do any MzBot development.

Today, I freed up 2 hour, and added in 2 extra command, and 1 IPC.

Sorry, some rants here:File system is the WORST IPC I have ever tried!

Ok, let me introduce the new features:
– ss command, this command will allow you to send keyboard scan code. Eg:
ss 29
Would help you press the Ctrl key once, which is the attack key.
– mc command, this command will allow you to stimulate a left mouse click. Eg:
Would help you to LeftClick once
– File system IPC. Now your programme can send command to MzBot! With this feature, you can now write a GUI to MzBot, by sending MzBot commands (vs) to it.
Also, you can write your own bot by sending the ss and mc command to MzBot!
How you can do this is:
– Try to access C:\toBzM.comm.instr
– If the file is empty, or not found, MzBot is probably ready.
– Write whatever command you want MzBot to do in the file
– Close the file.
– When the file is empty, or not found again, MzBot have done the command.

By the way, starting from this version, all MzBot from me will be signed, meaning that you can check the integrity of the file.

Note: If your programme is using MzBot for botting function, please do add in “Botting component powered by MzBot”

Download points:

26 Responses to MzBot 2.0 Beta 2

  1. Opcode0x90 says:

    IMHO, you can always use named pipe or console I/O pipe. Shared file tend to be very tedious because of file sharing/locking issue and synchronization problem.

  2. Diablo1123 says:

    Nice I’m gonna mess with this and Java’s BufferedWriter

  3. Diablo1123 says:

    Just wonder how do you get 29 for ctrl

  4. john0312 says:

    @Opcode0x90: Like I said “File system is the WORST IPC I have ever tried!”
    I used named pipe in ZTrainer though…

    @Diablo1123: LoLx, use Java to talk to MzBot… quite creative
    Those are keyboard scan codes.
    Reference these, or google for keyboard scan code.

  5. nog_lorp says:

    A nice alternative to filesystem ipc would be to just make MzBot a server, so that it can be controlled locally or remotely. This, ofcourse, brings up security issues, but it could be passworded or, better yet, use ssl. As for programmatic security, it wouldn’t really be widely used enough to be a target.

    This would make it so I can start the bot at my mom’s house, and then control it from my dad’s house, directing it to quit maplestory when I want to log on there (not that I ever do, but it’s a good exampl).

    If this were to be implemented, some other features would be very complementary, such as launching MS, closing MS (without having to find the [X] screen location and send mc), and powering down the computer. Perhaps best of all would be a rudimentary remote console using system().

    Anyhow, just me brainstorming what I think would be cool. Are you still considering releasing the source?

  6. nog_lorp says:

    Woops, one more thing: what compiler set (I’d assume the language is C) was this built on?

  7. nog_lorp says:

    Very minor bug: after using the IPC system with “h”, fails to display prompt again (still takes input from std though).

  8. nog_lorp says:

    (sorry for spamming comments, lol)

    In an attempt to create network functionality, I tried using netcat in listen mode (win netcat is at, “netcat -l 7878>>C:\toBzM.comm.instr” (7878 = arbitrary port), but came across an issue when the pipe apparently stopped MzBot from deleting the file. Taking it in stride, MzBot just read the same file repeatedly. I think I’ll overcome this by piping it to a perl script to split it up.

  9. Diablo1123 says:

    Thanks…. I think….
    Yea anyone got any ideas on what I could make ? =P

  10. nog_lorp says:

    I just finished with a niftyish perl script with threading that just operates a stack of commands from its stdin, and when the mzbot input file is empty/deleted it replaces it with the next command. It interfaces well with netcat too, for a hacked up networked mzbot controller.

    you would use it like so:
    netcat -l -p [port] | perl
    netcat localhost [port]

    Then you can enter mzbot command in the “netcat localhost” command line.

    Here is the script:

    use threads;
    use threads::shared;

    sub getinput;
    sub doipc;
    my (@mzstack,$mzstack,$end) : shared;
    $end = 1;
    $tgetinput = threads->create(“getinput”);
    $tdoipc = threads->create(“doipc”);

    $end = $tgetinput->join();

    sub getinput
    chomp $_;
    lock @mzstack;
    push @mzstack,$_;
    print $mzstack[0];
    return 0;
    sub doipc
    while($end || $mzstack)
    if(not(-s “C:/toBzM.comm.instr”))
    open MZIPC,”>”,”C:/toBzM.comm.instr”;
    lock @mzstack;
    $_ = shift @mzstack;
    print MZIPC ($_);
    close MZIPC;

  11. john0312 says:

    I am surprised that you can code perl script!
    Yes, pipes writelock a file.
    Also, MzBot v2 is coded completely in Assembly.

  12. nog_lorp says:

    Well, sexy! Is it written functionally (I don’t know much about writing assembly from scratch)? If so, a DLL version might be nice to eliminate the need for IPC (although it would be less flexible in many senses).

    And, perl is easy :D. Although, that was my first attempt at threading, which took alot of flipping to refrence material.


  13. Diablo1123 says:

    Make a version with no listeners at F11 and etc

  14. Devv says:

    Wow. I love the ss feature and the possibility of remote control.

    If someone out there have some problems with the keycodes, there is a program called PassMark KeyboardTest which shows the keycode when you press a key. It’s good if you don’t have a standard keyboard.You want the BIOS key code in dec.

  15. Gee says:

    I tried the ss feature, and no keyboard input was detected? Also noticed the auto-features dont simulate keypresses either.

  16. john0312 says:

    You are the third one who told me this… hmm… I will try to contact you and debug it.

  17. MikeL says:

    I am experiencing a really weird bug and i’m 100% sure mzbot2.0 is causing this because i am testing this for 2 days now..

    1st day:
    after using mzbot2.0 for 2 hours, my internet connection was fucked up..
    //im behind a router with DHCP//
    I can see that my lease time expires for 1 minute when this happens.. and the internet connection on another computer from same network works fine..
    so i tried to reset the mac address on my router, and it worked.. i had my connection back again..
    so i continued using mzbot2.0 and after a few hours my internet connection was fucked up again..
    so i decided not to use mzbot2.0 for a while to test if it still interferes with my connection..

    on the 2nd day:
    still, my internet connection is fine..
    so i decided to use mzbot2.0 again.. but expectedly after a few hours my internet connection was fucked up again.. so i tried to play maple with the same apps running minus the mzbot2.0, and so until now it still didnt interfere with my internet connection..

    i downloaded my copy of mzbot2.0 at

  18. Tony says:

    Hi john, I have just recently download your MzBot 2.0 Beta 2, but whenever I open it, it asks me to check the .sig file.
    Since it won’t allow me to copy/paste, I just enter every single character inside that .sig file to MzBot, but it still won’t run. Mind helping me out?
    By the way, I also downloaded the first beta version of MzBot in your blog, but I encountered the same problem.

  19. jared says:

    zuan, send me an e-mail if you’d like me to virtually host your website. your a great developer, but you lack a real internet presence. ftp, e-mail, mysql databases and

    a blog is mearly a php script – not a difficult task to configure. let me know.

  20. Gee says:

    I fixed the ss detection by running mzbot on a vmware. I also wrote a short c++ script to send commands to mzbot. However, the IPC speed is pretty slow; I put a 250 ms delay between each write and it still sometimes misses the command.

  21. Night2Dark2 says:

    Fix the link please. or send it to me via mSN Zuan.. kk thnx

  22. lauooa says:

    MzBot_Lite-2.0.0-Beta2 in window mode A-OK auto-pot mp hp
    but in full mode always auto-pot mp hp
    i don’t know why

  23. n008zx says:

    When I hit F12 using mzbot beta 2, my screen freeze immediately and I am unable to slow the AC down@.@
    However, using the original mzbot, the maxed speed of it’s AC works fine for me.
    Is there something wrong with my PC?

  24. Koolfool92x says:

    I have Vista, and i downloaded it and opened it, But when i try to autoclick it doesnt do any thing. Is this Vista compatable?

  25. Moron says:

    – Don’t use Visual Basic
    This is common sense, Visual Basic is the big no-no when it comes to programming anything but fancy GUI that does practically nothing. All “virus” written in Visual Basic is source inclusive, I know you don’t mind people peeking at your virus’ source right? You released your virus under GPLv2? Cool! Do worry if your victim’s in a lack of MSVBVM60.DLL.

    OMFG you don’t know jack-shit about hacking. MSVBVM60.DLL. can be inported into your projects. VB SOURCE CODE CANNOT,CCCCCCCCCCCCAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTT bedecompiled. One of the few codes that can’t. Your sir are a motherfucking handicap.

  26. Good and relevant post.I have

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